Genuine shark skin is carefully selected and laminated onto high-quality Kyoto-style blue and white porcelain, which brings out the deliciousness of food.
It can be grated finely, bringing out the aroma and spiciness even more.

Genuine Wasabi Grated Medium

(Larger image)

size (A) 12.0×(B) 6.7×
price 4,620 yen (tax included)
Main unit Ceramic (porcelain)
Grater The finest shark skin
package Comes in a presentation box

Real Wasabi Grated Large

(Larger image)

size (A) 13.3 × (B) 7.4 ×
price 5,500 yen (tax included)
Main unit Ceramic (porcelain)
Grater The finest shark skin
package Comes in a presentation box

Enlarged image/Packaging: Comes in a gift box